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Solomon's sale runescape

Posted on October 17 2013

Greetings, adventurer.

All esteemed adventurers like savings, so step into my humble store. From tonight, I’m holding a spectacular sale!

For the next seven days, I’ve discounted the majority of items on the store. Members and free players alike can enjoy a range of marvellous items at a reduced Loyalty Point or RuneCoin price.

All sale items that may be purchased with Loyalty Points carry a phenomenal 50% deduction on Loyalty Point costs, meaning prestigious items aplenty for loyal RuneScape members.

On top of this, I am delighted to offer a 20-40% discount on the Runescape Gold costs of all eligible items. If you've had your eye on a fine item, now is a splendid time to indulge.

My sale commences Tuesday 24th September 00:00 GMT and concludes Monday 30th September 23:59 GMT, so please do visit my store during this window and take a look at all the fantastic discounted items available. If you wish to purchase additional RuneCoins, you can do so here or by clicking 'Buy RuneCoins' inside my store.

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