Note: I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this forum. If there is any forum moderator that knows a better place to put this, please be my guest :)
Hi there peeps.
I know that many of you have noticed as well that some NPCs like, Scribe, Grand Exchange workers, Bankers and even items are outdated. In the start, there were no formal suits of shirt and tie, either glasses, etc. on the time that RuneScape is placed. I think, that if RuneScape is placed on a mystical medieval age, there shouldn't be any elements from our age like the ones I already mentioned.
What I suggest is that NPCs with these outdated characteristics can use clothes and items more adequate to their time and also that is reachable for the runescape gold players (a good example for this is Oziach at Edgeville, that uses a rune platebody).
Also, all 'Fantasy' style games, though they tend to be in Medieval Stasis, also standardly contain items that would not have existed in what is a real world at a medieval date. It is 'Fantasy' and would still be fantasy if laser powered jetpack dinosaurs were to start spawning in edgeville