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You Can Download Blade & Soul’s Launch Client Now

Posted on January 13 2016 in gaming

NCsoft has released Blade & Soul's final launch client for players to download athough they won’t be able to play until at least January 15. You can find the download link at the official site here. If you have purchased Founder’s Pack you can play the game at at 10am PST / 7pm CET, January 15 adead of other players. The rest of the players will be able to play at 12:01am EST, January 19.

You are allowed to get more information in the official website to buy more Cheap Blade And Soul Gold.

Keep in mind that previous CBT client won’t work at launch and CBT participant must uninstall the old client and download the new client. The game has added new customization options, hairstyles, skintones and more for launch and you can learn more about that at the offical launch guide.
You can increase your BNS Power leveling by surfing more information.
You can bookmark our guides to get a smooth start at launch.

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Я очень люблю онлайн раскраски, но иногда играю и в Blade & Soul