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RS3 shifting from Java to a whole new HTML5 and WebGL system

Posted on April 12 2013

It was decleared that the new attention of Runescape 3 has been paid on the game shifting from Java to a whole new HTML5 and WebGL system. Although the style of the game would be preserved as the same, it is assumed that players will have different visual...

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Real cash from the sale Runescape gold

Posted on April 10 2013

Der einzige Nachteil ist, dass nun die gesamte Umsatz der Runescape Gold "Runescape Gold, wie wir es bekommen? Nun, wenn Sie ein gutes Runescape Spieler sind, k?nnen Sie in Ihrem Runescape der Bank sammeln, sondern wie man mehr machen Runescape Gold?...

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Brazil discovered a new species of blind snake shape ugly

Posted on April 9 2013

This blind snake may seem a little disgusting, but scientists This is an exciting discovery. They believe that this blind snakes and salamanders, and frogs have a very close relationship. Atretochoana eiselti eyes do not see things previously been found...

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Diablo 3 Patch Preview Classes Getting Fixed

Posted on April 9 2013

Is anyone still playing Diablo 3? It's been a few weeks for me, but the upcoming patch is making me want to bust out my demon hunter again.Cheap Diablo 3 Gold. Over on Battle.net, Blizzard have detailed changes coming to each of the classes in the next...

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The Real-Money Auction House Has Sucked the Fun Out of Diablo 3

Posted on April 8 2013

It started out innocently enough -- I only wanted to successfully sell something on the RMAH to gain some greater wisdom and insight into how it all worked. Right now it's just a matter of being willing to low-ball the other sellers to make a quick buck,...

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Counting Kills Guide in Runescape

Posted on April 7 2013

There is quite a few different ways to counit klls, but a lot of them are open to error. We'll list 3 different methods on this post to help count kills in Runescape. Please choose one of them, if you have a different method, please explain it. Method...

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Diablo 3 Exploit Makes Wizards Invincible

Posted on April 7 2013

The latest exploit to rock Blizzard's loot-filled boat transforms Diablo 3 Wizards into unstoppable immortals -- at least until the studio fixes the bug and deletes offenders' characters for breaking the end-user license agreement. It's the Diablo 3 Gold...

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In Runescape you is how to make money

Posted on April 6 2013

Runescape is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game in the world in 2001 beta. Graphics and hardware in a very simple game, it is the most addictive and engaging game, it's time. The main game is a journey, your character gains skills, funds...

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A document of online RS Gold is for ascension

Posted on April 2 2013

The online game of Famous Runescape Gold runescape money is abandon the past monotonous hierarchy, which has a different level of unique Ascension system. After the high-grade, whiallows gamers gorgeous reincarnation,it is the role of changes in the shape,...

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Diablo III Congratulations to Constructive Community Award Winners

Posted on April 1 2013

We have introduced a new member activity on March 18, 2013 Active Community Contribution Awards. And up till now, we have sent out three prizes.Cheap Diablo 3 Gold. As long as you are our member and liked our page, your contribution to make our community...

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