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The change of host version will be implemented on the PC version

Posted on March 29 2013

On just the end of the Pax East game show, the PS3 version of diablo iii gives you the feeling that find everything new and fresh, blizzard to host version optimized with Diablo 3 Gold user interface and view, and made some other aspects of the adjustment on your host platform. So did these changes may be implemented on PC platform?

Look host version and PC version some differences in the perspective of game, in addition the host version there are some other changes.
Could you please tell us the changes may be implemented on PC version?

Another problem: the host version have online, after the development and the future of content (patch or the expansion) will not, because of the host version spend more time to release?

Does host version and the PC version of the game in the UI interface and perspectives differ, mainly because of the host version and the PC version of the game environment each are not identical, different versions of the diablo iii according to their respective ecological environment optimization.Cheap Diablo 3 Gold.

So it seems these specifically for the host to carry on the optimization of the change will be less likely to function in the PC version, and vice versa, unless the developers believe that a certain function or optimization on two platform can do well.

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