We've provided a status in the below thread: I just sent a ticket before reading this Blade-Soul Gold and the response I got was working on a fix for a "FUTURE UPDATE" how far future are we talking here. I bought premium for the wardrobe alone and it...
So, Team Bloodlust was kind enough to drop off some concept art for us today! Some of you may have already seen it posted on MMOSite. The translation seemed a little lackluster over there, so Yuan took the liberty of translating the original article in...
It is a brave publisher that releases an MMO in the West these days, but Blade & Soul has being doing the rounds in Korea since 2012, China from 2013 and then Japan the year after. Today, it goes live in the Europe and North America—here's the site. Blade...
When i watched the last stream (Crafting & Launch) i noticed two things. 1. The new daily dash. They basically removed all means of gaining hongmoon coins from there. While i totally understand that the purple one was a bit overkill (which was like 10€...
Online film shooting games undoubtedly are a handy and attractive type of entertainment, it is primarily a sort of satisfaction not just for that more youthful but for that real grown-ups too. that is on account of the reality they types of film games...
After i crashed today now about an hour ago with my clan at corporal beast when i relogged i needed to bank now cant open my bank because of my bank pin so i entered the correct bank pin, now my account doesn't recoqnize my own bank pin, and it says i...
Thought I'd pop into HTML5 to see if there was anything new. Saw a new version was put out on Tuesday. Wow! No more grainy pixilated graphics. It looks amazing! Keep up the great work! I've since noticed some bizarre graphical issues near the Canifis...
so, are all costumes gonna be like this I usually play a female character and, well, like picking Blade And Soul Gold a good outfit, mix and match outfits ... I accepted the fact you can't combine outfits but all the outfits that are coming out seem to...
I believe one has to be a masochist to work for Nexon for Cheap MapleStory Mesos any length of time. From what I can see the company does not provide any of its people - developers, testers, CS/GMs, CMs - with the tools and methodologies to do their jobs...
WHen i travel i play RS Gold in the hotel in the evenings on a netbook... one of this issues i have with the interface is when i go to open the daily challenges or another tab in the netbook i cant access the other tabs from the RS client... that part...
Attempting to send a private message to any name on my friends list results in this. I write down the message, press enter to send, and no message gets sent. I do not receive messages either. All other forms of chat work. I've attempted messaging with...
Well the discussion about Anarchy and Order is always a popular one especially in philosophy. Can we as a society truly function Cheap Blade And Soul Gold without Order or a government keeping things organized? The answer is yes. If our governments around...
Tons of people are playing now. PVP is pretty much broken for anyone less than level 45. We all are in a rush to end game. We will enjoyCheap Blade And Soul Gold the gank fest as long as we can at 45. We will do the dailies and arena, and all that PVP...
Let say there are two players (A and B); each in opposite faction (Crimson & Cerulean) Buy Blade And Soul Gold wearing outfit of opposite AGs. A killes B. Does the achievement of hunting down the opposite faction (again - Crimson & Cerulean) change too?...
This isn't another rant thread! I have premium and am able to getBuy Blade And Soul Gold online very quickly on Poharan. Anyhow! I have a question about premium membership and queue times....Since it shows in the premium member benefits that premium members...
Blade and Soul is a big deal in Asia. Developed by NCSoft, the game has a massive following, with it being reported in early 2014 that the game had managed to achieve 1.5 million concurrent players in China. When you take into account that it tookBuy...
Difficult enemies keep the weapons needed to begin a breakthrough or transformation, and the rare reagents can generally be found Cheap BNS Gold through repeatable quests within certain areas of the world. In addition to your weapon, your path will also...
Over a thousand years ago from this present day, the Naryu Empire stood as the ruling power in the entire world. Drawing upon the mystical natural resource of Soulstones from within the earth itself, the Naryu created technological wonders that vaulted...
You only have a few days left to get exclusive rewards before they’re gone forever. You are allowed to get more information in the official website to buy Cheap Blade And Soul Gold It’s your last few days to secure a Founder’s Pack and their exclusive...
You only have a few days left to get exclusive rewards before they’re gone forever.You can increase your BNS Power leveling by surfing more information. It’s your last few days to secure a Founder’s Pack and their exclusive bonuses and rewards before...
BATTLE MAGE OVERVIEW The Battle Mage is a member of the Resistance, freedom fighters opposed to the Black Mage and the organization seeking to revive him, the Black Wings. Unlike normal Magicians, the Battle Mage specializes in fast, close-quarters combat....
Visually the game is mind blowing. Combat is Blade And Soul Gold fun (least on force master. not tried others yet).. but I keep getting forced to pvp to clear out two quests from my log a day ( And no you cannot accept then decline. they turn back into...
You are allowed to get more information in the official website to buy more Cheap Blade And Soul Gold. When is a game too easy? Also why is it companies feel the need to dumb things down for Americans. It's just a little infuriating to thing we need to...
I'm not sure if this is the actual forum of BnS. If not, then this is a warning report of the player who kills "Noobs".You are allowed to get more information in the official website to buy more CheapBlade And Soul Gold. I'm here to inform of a report...
Do not worry; the Blizzard has undergone the patch of 1.08 recently. The cooperation mode is what they paid much attention, in which the efficiency of farming is the most important thing. While in order to prepare for the coming 1.08, I think what you...